SERVICOM was coined from ‘SERVICE COMPACT’, that is, to give prompt service to the citizenry.

It was established on March 21, 2004 as a Presidential Initiative with a solemn pledge of rendering quick and satisfactory service in all government agencies to all Nigerians.
It was premised on the imperative to give correct orientation to Nigerians to demand impeccable service as their rights.
To inculcate in all Nigerians that those denying service in one window will meet the same treatment in another window
To instill the ‘golden rule’ in all Nigerians especially, where giving service is concerned

Presidential Observation
“Nigerians have for too long been feeling shortchanged by the quality of public service. Our public officers have for too long been showcases for the combined evils of inefficiency and corruption.” – President Olusegun Obasanjo, June 2003

Present Status of Service Delivery in Nigeria
People are not receiving due services
Where services are rendered at all, they are grudgingly done and are of low quality
Customers are mostly treated with indifference
Public confidence in government and its agencies is poor filling citizens with trepidation as such agencies seem unapproachable

Value Reorientation
A far-reaching transformation of Nigerian society through Service Delivery Programme is desirable

The Service Deliverer should:
Create citizens’ and customers’ demand.
Instill higher expectations of public service
Communicate Service entitlements and rights
Publish information about performance
Redesign services around customer’s requirements.



1Jerome K. OlowoyeyeNodal Officer+234-803-3159327
2Bala A. MohammedService Improvement  Officer+234-803-3492030
3Ayo Paul FatonaCustomers Complaints Officer+234-803-3898598
4Ibrahim M. DikkoCharter Desk Officer+234-803-7551937